
The Video clip portrayed about the attitude of individuals

  The Video clip portrayed about the attitude of individuals The Video clip portrayed about the attitude of individuals towards the life the central them of the clip is not to compare ourselves with any others. Every individuals is unique with pluses and minuses. In our journey of life, we many face any sudden fall which many create physically or mentally or emotionally unfit. But as individuals, we must be always optimistic in every aspect. The way face the incidents in our lives, definitely moulds our characters. The bird phoenix undergoes difficult time when it became old as it cannot be able to fly steadily cannot able to catch the prey cannot able to use its beak. But it choose the difficult days to train itself by removing feathers and beak and waits for some time to lead a new life. This is applicable to every human beings. Everyone faces difficulties in our life. But, we should be ready to face the challenges. In my conclusion, every one of us inculcates the attitudes i